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Centre for Sustainable Development

Est 2000 - home of the MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development

Book Chapters

Upeshika Heenetigala, Leon Kapetas, Richard Fenner (2021): Building Resilience in Water Supply Infrastructure in The Face of Future Uncertainties: Insight from Cape Town 
Chapter 8 in Water-Wise Cities and Sustainable Water Systems: Concepts, Technologies ,and Applications, Editors: Xiaochang C. Wang and Guangtao Fu, IWA Publishing 2021
doi: 10.2166/9781789060768_0201
Fenner R.A., Digman C., (2020): Assessing the benefits of multi-functional blue green drainage solutions
Chapter 8 in Blue Green Cities: Integrating urban flood risk management with Urban Infrastructure, ICE Publishing   
ISBN: 9780727764195
Liddle E , Fenner R.A. (2019): Using causal loop diagrams to understand handpump failure in sub-Saharan Africa
Chapter 3  in Systems Thinking and WASH, Edited by Kate Neely, Practical Action Publishing  ISBN: 9781788530262.
Fenner R.A. (2017): Water : essential resource and critical hazard
Chapter 5 (pp 75-98) in Building Sustainable Cities of the Future: from small urban centers to megacities,  Editor: J Bishop, Springer
ISSN1865-3529,  ISBN 978-3-319-54456-4, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54458-8
Nuttall WE.J., Ashley S.F., Fenner R.A., Krishnani P.D., Parks G.T. (2017) Technology Assessment of Near-Term Open-Cycle Thorium-Fuelled Nuclear Energy Systems 
Chapter in Thorium Energy for the Future, Edited by A Nayak and B Seghal, Springer