Aidan Parkinson [BEng (Hons) MSc, PhD] completed his doctoral studies at the Centre for Sustainable Development in 2016. Aidan has professional experience working as a Building Performance Analyst within Arup's Building Performance and Systems business, where he contributes towards portfolio optimisation and post-occupancy evaluation services. He has particular interests in usable building design, prediction of environmental health and comfort, property energy performance, energy futures and social value.
Aidan's doctoral studies explored the relationship between building energy performance and financial value. This investigation employed an occupant satisfaction survey, an analysis of UK energy system futures, building simulation and financial evaluation with formal analysis of uncertainty to take a view on the significance of building energy performance and energy performance certification schemes to the financial value of properties. These studies were principally funded by an EPSRC Industrial CASE studentship supported by Grosvenor Group and the Modern Built Environment Knowledge Transfer Network.
Also during his time at the Centre, Aidan was a key contributor to the Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment research programme and held the position of Treasurer for the GreenBRIDGE student society.
Aidan has previously been awarded a Masters of Science from University College London in Environmental Design and Engineering and a Bachelor of Engineering from Heriot-Watt University in Architectural Engineering.
Aidan is a member of Wolfson College.